GoodGame Empire Wiki

This page covers all information regarding Robber Baron Castle Level 11-15s. The following key is used in all subsequent tables:

Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name
Ac Armed Citizen Halb Halberdier Ram Battering ram
Ar Archer Hc Heavy Crossbowman Sm Swordsman
Bm Bowman Im Insulating mat Sp Spearman
Cb Crossbowman Ladd Scaling ladder Ths Two-handed Swordsman
Hr Hurling rocks Lb Longbowman Tp Tar pitch kettle
Fa Flaming arrows Ma Mantlet Vmm Veteran Maceman
Gr Castle gate reinforcement Mm Maceman Vcb Veteran Crossbowman
Vhc Veteran Heavy Crossbowman Vth Veteran two-handed swordsman CB Cultist Bowman
CF Cultist Fanatic

Level 11

Level 11.4 Victory to Level 12

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
1 Hr 1 Im, 1 Hr 1 Tp
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
5 Bm 5 Cb 6 Bm, 2 Mm, 3 Sp, 8 Cb 4 Sp, 10 Mm
The Keep
Max loots 68w, 64s, 200f, 563g

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
Ladd 8 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
13 Ths 13 Hc
Troops lost 1 Hc, 0 Ths

Level 11.3 Victory to Level 12

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40% Wall + 1 Hr 40% Wall, 40% gate, 1 Im, 1 Hr 40% Wall + 1 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
3 Ac 14 Bm 10 Cb 4 Ac 9 Bm 10 Cb 3 Ac 3 Bm 5 Cb
The Keep
Max loots 87w, 68s, 168f, 563g, 5r (+7 XP)
  • Your attack formation to defeat the castle :
Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
Ladd - Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
13 Ths 13 Ths
Troops lost Ths

Alternatively: Send 2 Mm on the left flank before sending the 13 Ths, Troops lost (2 Mm)

Level 11.2 Victory to Level 12

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40% Walls + 1 Hr 40% Walls, 40% Gate + 1 Hr, 1 Gr. 40% Walls + 1 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
5 Sm, 4 Cb 6 Sp, 7 Cb 5 Sp, 4 Cb
7 Sm, 9 Cb
Max loots ? , ?g

Your attack formation to defeat the castle : 

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
0 / 4Ladd 0 / 4Ladd, 4 Ram 0 / 4Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
1 Sp/ 13 Ths 1 Sp/ 13 Ths, 24 Hc 1 Sp/ 13 Ths
Troops lost 3 Sp, 1 Hc, 1 Ths

Level 11.1 Victory to Level 12

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40% Wall 40% Gate, 40% Wall, 1 Gr, 1 Hr. 40% Wall
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
- 22 Bm, 5 Sm, 10 Sp -

1Bm, 7Sm

Max loots 55w, 55s, 213f, 563g, 1r (+7 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools


Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
13 Ths * 2 - 13 Ths
Troops lost 1 THs

Level 12

Level 12.4 Victory to Level 13

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

40% Wall, 1 Hr

40% Wall, 33% gate, 1 Hr, 1 Gr 40% Wall, 2 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
26 Bm - 40 Sp
1 Bm, 1 Sp
Max Loot 93w, 97s, 183f, 671g, 9r (+7 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle. the flanks might be switched from time to time, so spy :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
6 Ladd 6 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
14 Ths 14 Hc
Troops lost 1 Ths, 2 Hc

Level 12.3 Victory to Level 13

The defense bonus of the commander is 19% melee, 19% ranged. The Defender Troops in the castle are:

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40%(wall) + 2 Hr 40% (gate) + 1 Gr, 40%(wall) + 2 Hr 40% (wall) + 1 Tp
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
16 Ac 16 Ac 10 Ac
17 Ac
Max loots 63w, 74s, 235f, 671g (480-500 gain)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
7 Ladd 7 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
14 Ths 14 Ths
Troops lost 2 Ths

Level 12.2 Victory to Level 13

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
2 Hr 1 Hr, 1 Gr 1 Tp
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
12 Sp 24 Sp 12 Sp
Courtyard +19%
8 Sp, 10 Ac
Max loots 114w, 123s, 220f, 671g, 3r (+7 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
Ladd Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
14 Hc 14 Hc
Troops lost 2 Hc

Level 12.1 Victory to Level 13

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40% wall

2 Hr

40%wall/40% gate

1 Dr (+25% w)

1 Gr (+35% g)

40% wall

1 Hr

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
7 Cb 29 Cb 12 Cb
28 Sp, 2 Cb
Max loots 89w, 71s, 213f, 671g, 11r (+7 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
4 Ladd 4 ladd 4 ram 4 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
14 Ths 40 Ths 14 Ths
Troops lost 2 Ths

Level 13

Level 13.4 Victory to Level 14

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
65%(wall) [tablet: 40% Wall] 1 Hr 100%(gate), 65%(wall), [4 Kingdoms: 40% Gate, 40% Wall]

1 Hr, 1 Im

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
1 Bm, 12 Mm 45 Bm -
20 Bm
Max loots 98w, 72s, 256f, 946g, 8r (+8 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
7 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
15 Ths 15 Ths , 10 Ths
Troops lost 2 Ths

Level 13.3 Victory to Level 14

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
1 St 2 Hr ,1 Gr 1 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
1 Ac, 2 Sp, 1 Cb, 2 Mm,1 Bm 3 Ac, 3 Sp, 3 Cb, 3 Mm, 3 Bm 4 Ac, 3 Sp, 3 Cb, 3 Mm, 4 Bm
1 Cb
Max loots 72w, 115s, 239f, 789g (+8 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
7 Ladd 7 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
15 Ths 15 Ths
Troops lost 2 Ths

Level 13.2 Victory to Level 14

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

25% Wall, 2 Hr

19% Stat Bonus

25% Wall, 34% Gate, 19% Stat Bonus

25% Wall, 2Hr

19% Stat Bonus

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
2 Sp, 24 Bm - 4 Ac, 22 Sp
26 Ac
Max loots 102w, 111s, 214f, 789g (+10 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
8 Ladd 8 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
15 Ths 10 Ths 15 Hc
Troops lost Ths, 1 Hc

Level 13.1 Victory to Level 14

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
1 Tp 2Hr, 1Gr

75%(gate), 65%(wall)

2 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
17 Ac 18 Ac 17 Ac
26 Ac
Max loots 110w, 118s, 252f , 789g (gain 550), 7r (+8 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
8 Ladd 9 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
15 Ths 15 Ths
Troops lost 4 Ths

Level 14

Level 14.5 Victory to Level 15

The Defender Troops in the castle are: (9 April 2014)

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

1 Hr (65% wall)

40% gate

40% wall

40% wall
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
20 Mm 20 Mm 20 Mm
50 Mm, 5 Ac
Max loots 102w, 102s, 283f, 918g, 5r (9 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
7 Ladd -
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
16 Hc 16 Hc * 2
Troops lost 1 Hc

Level 14.4 Victory to Level 15

The Defender Troops in the castle are: (5th August 2014)

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

1 Hr (65% wall)

40% gate

40% wall

1 Tp (80% wall)
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
12 Archer 12 MM
Castellan Effects +19% melee, +19% ranged
Max loots 87w, 107s, 292f, 918g, 6r (9 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
6 ladd 1 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
16 Ths 16 HC
Troops lost 5 Ths

Note: 10 mantlets on the left wall will reduce the troops lost to 3, and 10 iron mantlets will reduce the troops lost to 0.

If the 16 Ths are put in the center with no tools instead of on the left flank, troops lost are 1 Ths and 1 HC in the courtyard.

If you add a 2nd wave of 16 Ths on the left, your troop losses will be reduced to 1 - 2 Ths.

Level 14.3 Victory to Level 15

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
1 Hr 1 Hr 1 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
18Ac 19 Ac 18 Ac
Max loots 9xp, 1a, 82w, 131s, 273f, 918g (gain 700)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
3 Ladd - 3 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
2*16 Ths - 16 Ths
Troops lost 1 Ths at keep (had sent 18 on right)

Level 14.2 Victory to Level 15

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

2 Hr

2 Hr, 1 Gr

2 Hr

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
8 Mm 8 Cb 8 Sm 8 Mm 8 Cb 7 Sm 3 Mm 8 Sm
Max loots 86w, 128s, 297f, 918g (+9 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
9 Ladd 8 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
8 Ths + 8 Hc ; 16 Ths 16 Hc
Troops lost 2 Ths left

Level 14.1 Victory to Level 15

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
2 Hr 1 Hr, 1 Gr 2 Hr
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
5Ar 5Ar 5Ar
Max loots 122w, 92s, 273f, 918g (+9 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
7 Ladd 7 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
16 Ths 16 Ths
Troops lost 3 Ths

Level 15

Level 15.5 Victory to Level 16

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

1 Tp

40%(gate), 40%(wall) 105%(wall)

1 Hr, 1 Tp

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
12 Ac, 3 Cb, 3Sm, 3 Sp 11 Ac, 4 Cb, 4Sm, 4 Sp 12 Ac, 22 Cb, 3Sm, 3 Sp
Max loots 108w, 134s, 335f, 1057g
  • Your attack formation to defeat the castle :
Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
8 Ladd 4 Rams 4 Ladd -
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
17 Ths, 8 Ths

49 Ths

Troops lost 2 Ths

Level 15.4 Victory to Level 16

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools


1 Hr

75%(gate), 65%(wall)

1 Gr, 1 Hr


1 Hr

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
4Sm, 32Sp 12Sm, 29Sp 4Sm, 22Sp
Max loots 99w, 132s, 321f, 1057g, 7 r
  • Your attack formation to defeat the castle :
Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
5 Ladd - 6 Ladd
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
2*17 Hc - 2*17 Hc
Troops lost 4 Hc

Level 15.3 Victory to Level 16

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

1 Hr, 1 Tp

75%(gate), 65%(wall)

1 Gr, 1 Hr

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
15Sp, 8Bm 20Sp, 7Bm, 1Ac -
20 Ac
Max loots 147w, 153s, 343f, 1057g, 12r (+9 XP)

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
10 Ladd - -
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
12 Hc, 5 Ths x 3 12 Hc, 5 Ths x 3
Troops lost 2 Ths, 1 Hc

Level 15.2 Victory to Level 16

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
40%(wall) 40% (gate), 65%(wall)

1 Hr

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
- 1Sp, 59Ac -
Max loots 99w, 138s, 315f, ~1057g, 8 r

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
- - -
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
17 Ths, 17 Hc 17 Ths, 17 Hc
Troops lost 1 Ths, 1 Hc

Level 15.1 Victory to Level 16

The Defender Troops in the castle is :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools

2 Hr

40%(gate), 40%(wall) 80%(wall)

1 Tp

Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
9Cb, 8Ar - 9Cb, 7Ar
Max loots 110w, 144s, 349f, 1057g, 13 r

Your attack formation to defeat the castle :

Left Flank Tools Front Tools Right Flank Tools
9 ladders
Left Flank Troops Front Troops Right Flank Troops
17 Ths 22 Ths
Troops lost

